Marie's Collection
Fibular Hemimelia & Limb Difference Awareness
Marie was born with a rare congenital defect in her left leg called Fibular Hemimelia. She was born with the complete absence of her fibula bone and a tibia that was significantly shorter than the other. This deformity affects 1 in 40,000 people. Her parents found out about the condition at her 19-week ultrasound and were faced with the choice of either amputation or lengthening and reconstruction of the ankle and leg. After she was born, her parents decided to go the reconstructive route. Lengthening and reconstruction is a process that takes several years to complete. She is currently being treated by the best doctors in the world for her condition at the Paley Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marie’s family relocates to Florida as needed in order to give her the care she needs. Marie’s little leg grows at a much slower rate than her other, so her leg is slowly being lengthened over time so that one day she will stand evenly on the ground. She has undergone a total of 10 surgical procedures and has several more to go. This process is very complex and has been very tough. Fibular hemimelia has taken a huge toll on Marie both physically and emotionally yet, she still remains positive and optimistic. The word CAN'T is not in her vocabulary. There’s nothing she won’t try and always finds a way to be successful in all that she does. She has been involved in dancing, tumbling, soccer, softball, acting, and her list of new things she wants to try grows daily. She may not be the best at any of these, but she has the absolute best attitude and works hard daily. She is often referred to as the motivator or the hype girl when it comes to her teams or squad. Her attitude is contagious, bringing so much joy and light to others. It seems impossible not to love her. Marie is a true inspiration on many accounts and has brought so many people closer to their faith. Marie's mother said, "God only gives these types of crosses to people he knows can carry them. And anyone that knows Marie knows that she is a total rockstar. Marie teaches others to be optimistic and persevere during tough times, and most importantly doing God’s work by bringing people to him. She inspires us every day, and we know she was put on earth to do GREAT things. “
Marie's pattern represents the symbol for Fibular Hemimelia, starfish.
Caregiver Shorts - Marie
Regular price
21% off
Caregiver Pants - Marie
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34% off
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